In mY oPiNiOn, thIs is tHe BEST FaCiaL sAloN tHaT i HaD eVeR bEEn..
ThE eNvIronMent tHerE..wAs so GrEat.. rElAx... =)
tHe bEAuticIAns tHeRe arE gReeT cUstoMerS with a sMile...
pOliTe.. fRiendLy.. sPeak sOfTly.. ^^
sOme oF theM vErY leng lui o~~ kekeke..
tOdAy, I wEnt To HerbaLine thAt lOcatEd at BukIt TinGGi.
ThE eNvIronMent tHerE..wAs so GrEat.. rElAx... =)
tHe bEAuticIAns tHeRe arE gReeT cUstoMerS with a sMile...
pOliTe.. fRiendLy.. sPeak sOfTly.. ^^
sOme oF theM vErY leng lui o~~ kekeke..
tOdAy, I wEnt To HerbaLine thAt lOcatEd at BukIt TinGGi.
EvErYtIme bEfoRE tHe fAcIal,,,,,
my sister's legs.. heee..
I tRy ThIs..... fOr mY fIrsT tIme..
i wAS so sCAred bEfoRe i ImMerse mY leGs intO the WatEr..
i wAS so sCAred bEfoRe i ImMerse mY leGs intO the WatEr..
err, i DoNt kNow whAt spEciEs is thIs la.. hahaha..
tHis kinD oF fIsh cOnSumeD tHe dEad AreA of tHe SkiN.. (死皮)
tHey aRe aLso uSed For thE tReatmEnt of sKin dIseasEs.... bla bla bla... doNt Know.. ^^lll
THe fEeLing.........
fIrSt oF aLL.... OH MY GOD!!!!
sEcoNd.... veRy GELi....
aFteRwArdS, oKaY lar... XD
mY sIstEr waS so ScAred..
wHen Her leGs is InSIde tHe wAter
sHe doNt eVen darE tO looK at heR leGs..
wahahahahaha!!! XD
wHen Her leGs is InSIde tHe wAter
sHe doNt eVen darE tO looK at heR leGs..
wahahahahaha!!! XD
you may try the fish spa..
is quite GELI + fun... wAkAkAkA... XD
is quite GELI + fun... wAkAkAkA... XD